Guys, meaning, those of the male persuasion, listen up-this post is for you too. Panty-liners aren’t just for those carefree days of feminine needs. No, you read that right-I have found another use for panty-liners.

Ever been in a situation where you need something and fast, but have no option but to use a substitute? This happened to me tonight. I decided to give myself a pedicure, a long overdue pedicure, so I get out the foot scraper, (you know- the contraption for dead skin re-death, sharp blade with a plastic handle that could peel carrots better than a peeler), the pumice stone, a towel and foot cream. Heaven if someone else is scraping your feet, doing it yourself forces you into contorted positions you weren’t aware you could get into to begin with. Soaked my footsies to prepare, laid a towel on the floor and commenced scraping. After a winter of no pedicures- the amount of dead skin I scraped off could have been used to create a new person. With that aside, as I was scraping, I sneezed. I sneezed hard holding a razor blade on a stick while scraping my left foot with my right hand. Bottom of heel sliced- worse than any cut I’ve had shaving my legs-and that’s saying a lot.

“Ok a band-aid is not going to work on the bottom of my foot-I have no bandages, or gauze and a wash cloth will only allow it to bleed through. Think Beth, think.”

Bingo. Panty-liner. I hobble to the bathroom trying not to get blood on the carpet or the tiled floor in the hall, grab a Carefree non-scented panty-liner and begin the bandaging process. Scotch tape-check. Foot on pad-check. Tape ready to attach and wrap-check. Haha! It works. Although I do recommend using duct, or electrical tape- I’ll have to change the tape before I go to bed. But the fact of the matter- I survived and as I type this I’m not the least bit embarrassed that I’m sitting here with a panty-liner taped to the bottom of my foot.

source : afrogtokiss

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